Stepping Through

Ursala stood before the open portal door and prepared to step through. "I wish I didn't have to do this, but fate has placed me here so that I will go," said the wise woman. Closing her eyes and letting go of Fern's hand, the healer stepped through the doorway. She felt nothing at first, but then her face felt a cold breeze that wasn't there before, so she slowly opened her eyes. 

"Hello, thank you for opening the doorway," said an unfamiliar voice. Ursala turned her head, and a smiling Old One stood before her.

"You look different from your drawings in our books," said the wise woman.

"We have changed over the eons. Time moves differently in this realm. It has been a million years since we left our home in the forest and traveled here to seek enlightenment," said the figure.

"Oh, my word, you must be very homesick," said Ursala.

"Forgive my rudeness. My name is Ioannis, and you are Ursala the Waldvolker wise woman, yes?" said the Old One.

"Yes, that is correct. I'm sorry to be short. The Dark One's minions march on us as we speak," replied Ursala.

"Indeed, members of our attack force are reuniting with the Shadow Puppets at this very moment. Fear not, my good woman, matters are well in hand," said Ioannis.

"I am glad the Shadow Puppets are going to help; you will need them to stop the Snar who have returned," said the healer.

"Yes, we sensed their presence and have sent forces to drive them underground forever," said the Old One.

"Thank you, we have waited for you for so long," said Ursala.

"We should get back to you so your friends don't worry. I will follow shortly. Thank you again," said Ioannis, who led her to the portal door and guided her through. In an instant, she stood before the twins.

"They are already stopping Mörken and sealing in the Snar," said Ursala.

"I sensed them pass by but could not see them," said Fern.

"We best get you back to Fern's for your protection, as Mörken's forces will want to avenge their lost victory," said Franny.

The three friends ambled back to Fern's home without a word passing between them. Once back, Izba greeted them with tea, biscuits, and no questions for the first time, as his feline sense knew silence was golden.

The Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch, fantastical tales

 Once long, ago and far away, lived a poor farmer. He did what he could to feed his family, but things didn't work out. The farmer could only grow pumpkins due to the poor soil. They never grew big like the other farmers. Finally, the farmer had enough! He went to see the wise woman. For his money, the witch gave him magical seeds and demon dust. She warned him to use only a pinch of the dust or danger would befall him. He planted the pumpkin seeds and then sprinkled a bit of the dust. Later, his wife added another pinch, thinking it would help. His daughter added even more dust to help the plants grow. Finally, the farmer's son emptied the bag. The following day, the family checked the field and found the farmer finally got his giant pumpkins. Too bad they got the farmer, too!

The Tomb Sweeper

The Tomb Sweeper, fantastic tales

 When Sasha, a young girl from a remote community, arrived to work on the farm, no one realized how she would change their world. 

While walking one morning, Sasha encountered an abandoned graveyard choked with weeds.

The following day, she gathered an armful of flowers and a hand sickle and returned to the graveyard.

Sasha bowed before entering and asked the dead to pardon her for disturbing their slumber. 

Next, she sprinkled milk, water, and wine at the gate as a refreshment for the dead.

Finally, she bowed, cut down the weeds at each grave, and placed a flower on the wooden marker.

Once finished, she made a final bow and placed the remaining flowers and a small cake at the gate. 

Then, Sasha returned to the farm and resumed her duties.

A great uproar occurred the following Sunday when a woman excitedly rushed to the preacher during services and told him of the cared-for plots.

The preacher and his congregation hurried to the graveyard to see for themselves. They were stunned to see the neglected yard transformed. They immediately lamented the community's fate due to this vile act of cleaning graves belonging to criminals and unholy persons.

Sasha did not admit responsibility for the graveyard care. Instead, she quietly went about her affairs.

As the weeks passed, strange things happened. The rains came more often, and long-gone birds returned to sing in the trees. The crops grew tall and robust, trees were full of early ripening fruit, and flowers bloomed out of season.

Sometime later, when Sasha returned to perform her cleaning ritual at the graveyard, she was seen by a church elder.

On the following Sunday, Sasha was brought before the church council. She was sentenced to be stoned for her disregard for God's will. 

Word quickly spread of Sasha's punishment. A boy and girl arrived at the church carrying giant ripe apples from a long-dead tree. They were followed by a farmer whose cows began giving milk even though they had been dry for months.

Hushed talk spread among the crowd. 

Sasha turned to the church elder and explained that all dead are treated like family in her home village. In turn, they care for the land.

An uncomfortable silence overcame the congregation. 

The church elder reminded the community that church law clearly stated that Sasha should be punished by stoning for her actions.

Fearing God's vengeance, they bound Sasha for the stoning. As the elder prepared to stone Sasha, a wagon carrying the pastor's daughter arrived. She had been in a coma for months following a tragic accident. 

Overjoyed by the sight of his awakened daughter, the pastor rushed to her and lifted her toward heaven. Suddenly, the girl pointed toward a rainbow stretching across the sky.

The pastor, overcome by these events, turned to the church elder. "Do you still believe it is God's will to punish Sasha and forsake the dead?"

Humbled and ashamed, the elder conceded her mistake.

Taking her hand, Sasha guided the elder to the grave of an unbaptized baby, where she placed a single pink rose.

Since that day, the trees surrounding the graveyard have bloomed year-round, reminding the community that love and compassion are our greatest gifts.

A Dragon's Tale

A Dragon's Tail, fantastic tales

 I am Slovar Dragon from the old country, and will tell you the old story of a boy who did not listen to his elders and fell deeply into troubles.

Every day, the boy would walk home from school through the forest. It took him a long time and was very dull.

The boy met Grandma Babushka, who told him never to take the shortcut through the dark wood for an evil creature who lived there.

As time passed, the boy began to think about the shortcut, and he wondered if his elders were trying to scare him.

Then, the boy meets Grandpa Moshka, who warns him not to play games and take shortcuts, or doom will befall him.

The boy began to think old peoples were afraid of their own shadow, and he would not be fooled anymore.

Then boy meets woodsman Igor Stevanovic, who tells him to beware of the unknown evil in Dark Woods!

It must be a trick because woodsmen are not afraid of anything. Boy would take a shortcut because he, too, was not scared.

As the boy walked through the wood, he thought about how brave he was and how silly elders would look when he told them.

“Hello, boy. Why are you not listening to elders who tell you not to come here?” The boy says nothing, only shaking in shoes.

So Slovar eats him. Because he was not a good boy, thinking he knows better than wise ones, now he is yummy in my tummy!

Bye Bye, Children, Be Good, Girls and Boys!!

A Time to Shine

Time to Shine, fantastic tales

 "Look, Uwan, it's our time to shine. We can take on the Dark One and earn our place. Tell me, whoever heard of a grounder being a hero? Now's our chance to put the slimmers in stories told around the fire," said Jacques.

"Gee, I don't know, Jacques. We're so small, and what if we get kicked or, worse, stepped on?" cautioned Uwan. The two argued back and forth until the snail had an idea.

"I got it, a way to take'em out. They'll never know what hit'em," said Jacques.

"What do we have that could even bother them, let alone stop those terrible Troth demons?" asks Uwan.

"Slime!" proclaimed Jacques.

The snail explained that the Troth never looked down, so all they needed to do was cover some leaves with slime. When the Troth came marching through the forest, he and Uwan would pull the leaves into the path, then watch as they slipped and slid everywhere. The two friends laughed at the idea and agreed to start in the morning when the dew was fresh on the forest floor.



Desolation, fantastic tales

Jakke scouted the desolation as Turgk followed, sniffing for something to eat. Suddenly, they found themselves in the mists of a whirlwind. Both Waldvolker and the dog crouched down for protection against the dirt. As the dust settled, Jakka looked up into the face of Szih-tu, messenger of the Old Ones. 

"Human time is short. The gateway will be opened soon. You must prepare your people for the battle ahead," said the dragon.

"What shall I tell them?" slowly asked Jakke, still in shock from Szih-tu's sudden appearance.

"The wise woman will have all the answers. You, however, must seek Li-Fung, the caretaker of the emerald shrine. He must alert the Shadow Puppets of our return and secure their assistance for the great conflagration," replied the messenger. Then, he was gone in a swirl of dust, leaving the two to pick themselves up and hurry back to the forest to alert the council to prepare for what was coming.